In our team, we combine our experience in the (near-) food industry with expertise in future food.
This makes us a unique partner who helps you achieve long-term and sustainable growth.
Our team
Danielle Mol
Danielle has been working in the food industry for nearly 20 years. After holding management roles at Hessing Supervers, Dr. Oetker, Bel, and Cloetta, she founded PRIMEPACT.
In 2018, at the age of 33, she was the commercial manager at Hessing, responsible for a team and a procurement value of 80 million euros. She won three ‘Indistributie’ Awards in a row.
At Hessing, she noticed a lack of effective tools and methods for long-term partnerships and profit maximization, and especially the need for support from departments other than commercial.
This inspired her to establish PRIMEPACT, where she acts as a catalyst for successful collaborations.
Her focus is on accelerating the development of a future-proof system, driven by her personal frustration with the slow progress despite the potential.
This is precisely what she has achieved as a catalyst with PRIMEPACT.
She is now an authority in sustainable and future-proof food.
In 2022 and 2023, she was listed in the Food100 as one of the change-makers.
+31 (0) 6 82 20 58 23
Margot Ent
Business Manager
Margot grew up in a family with a “get things done” mentality.
She has worked at ABN Amro and Eyeworks, among others.
She ensures that all operational matters are well streamlined.
For clients, she is the first point of contact for operational issues, invoices, and scheduling.
Additionally, she manages a smooth onboarding process for new clients.
For questions and to schedule appointments:
Danielle Mol
Margot is opgegroeid in een gezin met de ‘niet lullen maar poetsen‘ mentaliteit.
Ze werkte o.a. bij ABN Amro en Eyeworks.
Ze zorgt ervoor dat alle operationele zaken goed gestroomlijnd gaan.
Voor klanten is zij het eerste aanspreekpunt voor operationele zaken, facturen en planning.
Daarnaast zorgt ze voor een strakke onboarding voor nieuwe klanten.
Voor vragen en plannen van afspraken:
Margot Ent
Business Manager
Danielle werkt al bijna 20 jaar in de voedingswereld. Na managementrollen bij onder andere Hessing supervers, Dr. Oetker, Bel en Cloetta, richtte zij PRIMEPACT op.
In 2018, op 33-jarige leeftijd, was ze commercieel manager bij Hessing, verantwoordelijk voor een team en een inkoopwaarde van 80 miljoen euro. Ze won drie Indistributietrofeeën op rij.
Bij Hessing viel haar gebrek aan goede tools en methodes voor langdurige samenwerkingen en winstmaximalisatie op. En vooral ook: draagvlak van andere afdelingen dan commercie.
Dit inspireerde haar om PRIMEPACT op te richten, waar ze als katalysator optreedt voor succesvolle samenwerkingen.
Dit met een focus op het versnellen van de komst van een future proof systeem, want het was haar persoonljke frustratie waarom hier zoveel potentie ligt, maar het te langzaam gaat.
Dit is nu precies wat ze als katalysator heeft neergezet met PRIMEPACT.
Inmiddels is ze een autoriteit op het gebied van duurzame en toekomstbestendige voeding.
Ze stond in 2022 en 2023 in de Food100 als een van de veranderaars.
+31 (0) 6 82 20 58 23
We work network-based for the best results:
We collaborate with a core team of experts and involve additional specialists as needed based on the collaboration (and especially the results).
This includes product and concept developers, packaging developers, and designers.
We collaborate with a core team of experts and involve additional specialists as needed based on the collaboration (and especially the results).
This includes product and concept developers, packaging developers, and designers.
Our pact at a
Our pact at a glance

Clients work with us because of our honesty, speed, pragmatism, commitment, and results-oriented approach.
We consistently receive feedback that we empower people effectively by asking the right questions, questions that not everyone dares to ask.
Our Winning Method: PURE PROFIT™
Management and executives who come to us are often at an impasse. They are already doing many things well but are on the brink of a breakthrough.
They ask themselves: “What does the company need now to be seen or remain seen as the most valuable partner by our clients? How do we maintain our continuity or realize our growth plans?”
Or they recognize that a different level of professionalism and data-driven approach is required.
They also know that other departments (such as procurement, finance, product development, logistics) or a strengthening of the commercial department are needed.
We quickly identify what is needed in your company to achieve long-term growth. While we primarily work with the commercial team, other stakeholders are also crucial for sustainable growth. This is what makes our method unique: we thoroughly assess what is necessary within the organization.
It always starts with the many good ideas already present. Our method provides quick insights and focus.
The results speak for themselves.